Saxonia Galvanik as exhibitor at fall trade fairs

Created by OM GalvanizeSaxonia
saxonia galvanik trade fair fakuma 2024
Saxonia Galvanik will be exhibiting at many trade fairs such as Fakuma in fall 2024 (Image: Saxonia)

Saxonia Galvanik GmbH will be represented at several trade fairs in fall 2024. The company will have its first stand at Fakuma in Friedrichshafen from 15 - 19 October 2024, focusing on the new sustainable production and recycling options for electroplated components.

Saxonia Galvanik has invested heavily in recent years so that the coated components not only have a wide variety of designs, but can also be produced without chemicals such as PFAS or chromium(VI). The use of secondary materials in the production process and 100% recyclability after the end of use will also play a major role. After Fakuma, Saxonia will exhibit one week later, from October 22-24, 2024, at the IZB (International Suppliers Fair) in Wolfsburg. In addition to plastics finishing, metal electroplating will also have its big stage here. A new metal electroplating plant was put into operation a year ago, with capacity utilization already exceeding expectations in the first six months of operation. In addition to silver and passivation layers, the portfolio now also includes tin layers, which can be sub-nickel-plated if required. The six-fold increase in capacity has become necessary in order to meet the increasing demand for bus bars in the e-mobility sector. Saxonia Galvanik GmbH hopes that the trade fair will not only enable it to maintain its existing contacts, but also to make contacts with new partners in the industry.

The Saxonia trade fair weeks will be rounded off on October 30, 2024 with the Erzgebirge supplier industry cooperation exchange. This will take place in Marienberg this year and has a local character. The main focus here will be on networking with local partners. However, the trade fair appearances are not only intended to convince people of the great decorative or functional surfaces: In deeply unsettled markets, Saxonia Galvanik also wants to show that - unlike various market competitors - it continues to be a strong partner in complex supply chains. This stability in particular is likely to play an increasingly important role in the future. "There will be other interesting trade fairs in November to look beyond the horizon," says Managing Director Stefan Tilke. As a visitor to Medica, IAA Transportation and Electronica, for example, the company will be taking a close look at various sectors and promoting sustainable surfaces.
