Plastics Institute organizes symposium on film back injection 2024

Created by OM CoatingsKunststoff-Institut
Film back injection molding conference 2024
The 2024 Film Back Injection Molding Conference will include specialist presentations and a trade exhibition (Image: KIMW Forschungs-gGmbH)

This year's Film Back Injection Molding Conference will take place on 26 + 27.11.2024 at the Phänomenta Lüdenscheid. Participants can expect the latest trends and sustainable technology and material developments in the field of film back injection molding.

This year's Foil Back Injection Moulding Conference will focus on the technology of foil back injection moulding for the decoration and functionalization of moulded plastic parts, which is continuously expanding within the injection moulding process to cover a wide range of applications. The coating of the films, the production of the preforms and the actual back-injection process play an important role in the design and quality of components for interior and exterior applications. In addition to design-oriented and protective aspects, haptic requirements are increasingly being placed on the film and electrical functions are being integrated.

At the "Film Back Injection Molding" symposium, the Kunststoff-Institut will inform interested parties about the latest trends and sustainable technology and material developments in the field of film back injection molding. In addition to exciting specialist presentations, participants can look forward to an accompanying trade exhibition with speakers and other companies who will encourage discussion and offer their innovative product examples for visitors to see and touch. During the lunch break, an exploratory tour of the Phänomenta Lüdenscheid is planned. The first day of the event will end with a cozy get-together with snacks and drinks at the Sportalm Gipfelglück. Interested parties can find the detailed event program and the option to register online at
